Chiropractic Care: Dr. Eric Herman’s Approach to Treatment Plans

Hello, everyone! When it comes to chiropractic care plans there's so much to dive into, so I wanted to touch on this topic. Not only will we dive into the general aspects of chiropractic care, but I'm also going to share my own unique approach to patient care.

Traditional vs. My Approach

If you've been to a chiropractor before, you might be familiar with the standard procedure: frequent visits, sometimes two to three times a week initially, then tapering down. I used to follow this method, but I don't anymore. Why? Because it's essential to listen to our gut, and for me, it simply didn't feel right. I can't forecast precisely how many visits a patient will need, especially since introducing specialty techniques like decompression and full-body adjustments.

Instead, I adjust and then observe. After an adjustment, I advise my patients to go home, rest, and see how they feel over the next couple of days. Healing doesn’t happen immediately at the visit; it’s a gradual process that unfolds over the next two to four days.

If, after those few days, patients see a positive change, but it's not 100%, I recommend they return in about a week. Consistent visits without long gaps are essential to ensure the body doesn’t regress, and we can maintain the healing momentum.

However, if after several sessions, there's no significant improvement, it’s time for a rethink. Sometimes that means adjusting my approach, and sometimes, referring them elsewhere. I firmly believe it's not ethical to keep a patient on a long, ineffective treatment plan.

Empowering Patients

A critical aspect of my practice is educating my patients. I teach them to recognize when they might need an adjustment.

Key signs include:

Feeling Jammed Up: If they feel compressed, stuck, or tight and home remedies don't help, it's a clear sign.

The Urge to Self-Adjust: We've all felt that nagging sensation, the need to stretch or pop a joint ourselves. I've been there, and I know when I feel that way, it's time for a professional adjustment.

Persistent Pain: Any neck, back, or spine-related pain that lingers for more than a day or two is an urgent indication that it's time to come in.

Remember, the human body is like an intricate engine. When it's misaligned or under tension, performance drops, and the risk of severe issues increases. Being attuned to your body's signals is the first step in maintaining optimal health.

A Conservative Approach

I always start conservatively, as many patients respond well to it. Only, when necessary, will I suggest a more frequent visit schedule. Always remember that every individual is unique, and so should their care plan.

This is Dr. Eric Herman, your Guru chiropractor, wishing you good health, peace, and love. Stay safe, take care, and keep those heads up!


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